Kristian and Ali mobilizing in the morning is a process unto itself. Kristian usually wakes up first, meditates, journals, and intentions his day. Ali, by this time, has started using the restroom and showering. Kristian, meanwhile, packs up his sheet, sleeping bag and 7 pound buckwheat pillow that he unpacks every evening and packs every morning. By the time Ali has finished showering, Kristian, who has by this time packed a lot of his stuff, including meditation backrest, meditation blanket, incense and holder, journal, pens, clothes, etc... goes to take a shower while Ali gets his stuff together. After Kristian showers, shaves, and puts on the bike costume, Ali has packed his stuff in the support vehicle (Casper), and is doing something with the bikes or checking something on the internet. Kristian then finishes packing his stuff into the support vehicle, and wants to check the internet as well. All and all, Kristian and Ali average 2-3 hour mobilization time in the morning. This being their second time traveling across North America as part of a national cycling tour, morning mobilization has become a finely honed art.
Unfortunately this morning, we can't seem to get the computer working. Thinking it might just be the vibes from the motel, we pack it up and decide to try it later that evening.
Leaving the Flamingo Motel, Ali cycles first. We trade back and forth all the way to Greenville, OH. After cycling a brief 84 Mile day, Ali and Kristian begin the 98 mile drive south to Cincinnati, OH. When the begin driving, for some reason, the orange "Motor/Engine" light shows up in the car. Kristian and Ali do not worry about it too much, the only thing they notice with the car is that the "timing" feels off.
Driving into Cincinnati is a little confusing. Kristian and Ali did not know this, but Cincinnati is compared to the Rome as a city with 7 hills, because it is such a hilly city. Arriving into Cincinnati, they are met very kindly by the family Kristian and Ali are staying with whom they met on Joanna and Thomas, are the mom and stepdad of Emilia (the primary couchsurfing contact) and Joel. Probably, the most eager to meet us is Inspector Poirot, the family Jack Russell.
After saying hello, Joanna cooks a great pasta meal with pesto (with basil grown in the backyard). Sitting around chatting, they lose track of time, and eventually load all the gear into the house getting ready for a great night's sleep. Before Ali and Kristian drift off to sleep, they try starting up the computer, it works :)