Today is an early, early wake up. Ali, Kristian and Debra head off to sit with Babuji, an enlightened guru from India. The drive is about 20 minutes west of Evanston (where Deb lives). When we arrive, we find our seats, and begin chanting with the other devotees. After the service, we wait until Babuji is ready to entertain us, and head upstairs to his room. The room is empty except for a big box of gifts that he gives to people that sit with him, and a bed where he is sitting. The group of 10 of us sit on the floor asking him questions.
Babuji gives this tremendous energy. Ali and Kristian can see that just by being in his presence, they feel much lighter and happier. Babuji gives them both blankets to take with them on their ride across the remainder of the US. Babuji is one of the gurus mentioned in Janet Attwood's book The Passion Test.
After leaving Babuji's, Ali and Kristian were dropped off at home by Debra and headed out on the road to the Milwaukee Event at the Fitzsimmons Boys and Girls Club. It was in one of the lower socio-economic areas of Milwaukee, but the school/B&G Club was in tremendous shape! The halls were huge, and the kids looked to be really happy.
Our presentation had 25 eager and exuberant kids. It is always a great joy to help kids understand how to create whatever it is they want in their life. It is such an amazing process.
After the presentation, Susan Lichty-Schmidt (who organized the event from beginning to end) and her husband, John, took us out for dinner. It was a great meal at one of the breweries by the river.
The drive back to Evanston was filled with Ali and Kristian talking about their passion for chiropractic, and the practices they want to create in the future. All in all it was a wonderful day!